Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Alicia R.
Friday 11/4/11 30min.
Helped her out on her Real/Fake. Helped her choose the right images to put togeather. Showed her how to clown the pictures togeather and to change the color to make it look realistic.

Artist Study: Dina Goldstein

          This picture is like an average family. The husband is laying on the couch eating and watching t.v while the wife is taking care of four children. Snow white doesn't look that happy. She looks tired of misrable. The contrast of the picture is bright.
          In the future life for the princess is going to be more stressing. Raising her for children while her prince just works and doesn't help her out. The photographer set up the picture to express the idea of reality. How most women are stay at home wives that just take care of there children. What supports my idea is that the prince in not helping with the children he is just sitting on the couch eating and watching t.v. While Snow White is holding two of her children while the other one is pulling on her dress to get her attention.
         I think this photo is realistic becuase in real life no one is perfect no one is going to live a happly ever after. I also think it's sad becuase she doesn't get no help by her husband.
Not so little Red Riding Hood:
        This photograph is a great example of what is happening now in our country. In the fairy tail little red riding hood is small and skinny and in this picture she is fat. Also in the fairy tale she carrys apples in her basket and in the photograph she is carring fast food wich is unhealthy and is making her fat. The contrast is bright on the photograph and on the backgroundof the trees is a lil bit darker.
        Life for the princess in the future is she is going to get way bigger if she keeps eating. In this photograph the photographer also set up to express the idea of reality becuase there is alot of obesity in this country. And most princesses are not fat they have a perfect body.
        This photo is sad to me becuase all princesses are skinny none are fat. It's also funny to me how she is carring burgers and fries instead of something healthy like apples.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011



Answer the following:
Name of student you mentored: Alicia
What you did: (this part must be specific- not every single step, but more then "helped with camera")
-I helped her with photoshop. I showed her how to rresize a picture and also the basics like how to rotate a picture how to move a picture and how to turn it black and white.
How did the person demonstrate that they had learned what you showed them? 
-She demonstrate it by showing me on her own how to resize and turn the same color picture to black and white.